Can I use framesi MIXCOLOR with FRAMCOLOR 2001 on male clients that are salt & pepper and don’t want anyone to notice their hair is being colored?

MIXCOLOR works great to reduce gray with a natural finish for men!

Yes, MIXCOLOR is excellent for giving salt & pepper hair more pepper and less of a salt effect by simply following this technique:

  1. Mix 20cc FRAMCOLOR 2001 4NP (or 3NP if the hair is darker) with 60cc MIXCOLOR CREMA
  2. Using the color brush, apply the cream to a comb, and comb through the hair. The more color is combed onto the hair, the more “covered” the hair will be.
  3. When coloring a male client the first time, it is recommended to only comb through lightly, and slowly increase with each color application so no one is able to tell the hair is being colored.
  4. Process 15-20 minutes at room temperature and your client will immediately look 10 years younger!