Why are my ends are turning dark and brown when I apply FRAMCOLOR GLAMOUR 6.4 from root to ends every time? I've read that FRAMCOLOR GLAMOUR does not brown out or to build up.

What is happening to my FRAMCOLOR GLAMOUR color that is causing it to brown-out and build-up on the ends?

Because of the advanced Complex Coverage Technology in FRAMCOLOR GLAMOUR, you will find that your clients may not experience fadage at all. When they return for their color service, their shaft and ends similar to how they left, and therefore do not require pulled through. If you continue to pull the color through each time even though the ends are not faded, eventually you will develop an over-saturation of color, which may appear browner or darker than the regrowth area. If the hair has not faded since the last service, then applying the color on the ends for a few minutes is all that is necessary to refresh the color.